Getting Ready for Tax Season: New IRS Forms and Compliance Requirements (RDYT)

Karen E. Davis, EA, Claudia Hill, EA, Lawrence K. Pon, CPA, Michael J. Tucker, J.D., CPA
  • 3
  • Basic
  • Taxes

Individual course: $99
Volume Discounts: Click here for details.


Each year the IRS changes its forms and instructions in light of tax law changes impacting individual and business taxpayers. Tax practitioners should be aware of tax law changes and how tax forms have been modified to reflect those changes. They should also be able to explain these updates to their clients, particularly when the client’s tax liability changes significantly. This program covers new IRS tax forms and compliance requirements for the 2021 tax season. The course will also address special 2021 filing issues associated with tax form preparation and submission.

Major Topics:

  • New tax form changes for 2021 income tax returns
  • 2021 IRS pronouncements relating to income tax return filing and tax compliance

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how important IRS tax forms have changed for 2021.

Any tax practitioner who will be preparing income tax returns for 2021





Varies by state. Check back soon for details