How to Settle an Estate from A to Z (ESTZ)

Claudia Hill, EA, T. Jack Challis, James I. Dougherty, Esq., Michael J. Tucker, CPA, LL.M. (moderator)
  • 3
  • Intermediate
  • Taxes

Individual course: $99
Volume Discounts: Click here for details.


Most estates are not taxable for federal estate tax purposes because the federal transfer tax exemption amount is very large.  Yet, settling a decedent’s estate can be a trying, difficult process, even for those with some general experience with probate and estate administration.  The tax practitioner/attorney team is faced with a variety of challenges when settling an estate, including safeguarding the decedent’s property during the administration process, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the assets of the estate to those who are entitled to receive it.  This program offers a non-state-specific review of the action items associated with settling an estate in a way that highlights the contributions and roles of the attorney and the non-attorney tax practitioner.   

Major Topics:

  • The tax advisor/attorney team: who does what?
  • The probate process, including costs and time involved
  • Practitioner steps to safeguard estate assets and kick-start estate administration
  • Federal and state tax issues, including tax year of the estate
  • Interim and final distribution of estate assets to beneficiaries: when is it safe to distribute assets to beneficiaries?
  • Integrating the decedent's final  Form 1040 with the estate's Form 1041

Learning Objectives

  • Possess the skills and knowledge required  to settle a client’s estate
  • Understand the roles non-attorney tax practitioners play in estate administration and settlement

Any tax practitioner or attorney who may be called upon to participate in the administration and settlement of a client’s estate 

A basic understanding of the tax rules relating to the federal transfer tax  




Varies by state. Click here for details